Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What's New?

It seems like a lot has been going on with our little famila lately. Not super exciting things, but we have been staying busy one way or the other. We have been spending our time inside lately because of the non-stop rain. Wow, I've never seen so much of it. It seems like its been constant (give or take a few days) for the past 2 months. I have no grass on the front side of my porch, all mud. It's really yucky. The Dan man and I have had a birthday, number 24 and 23, respectively. We had not 1, not 2, but 3 cakes for the occasion...I am not complaining. Since it was conference weekend, we just kinda visited family for our bday. It was very nice. On the days that is has been nice enough to get out, Kirk has had a blast. He would much rather be outside than in. Most of the time he goes down to my parents house and feeds their goat Katy and visits with their dog and chickens. He love, love, loves it! My mom also taught him about climbing in trees, which he now loves to do. He even helped me make rolls the other night, which was super cute. We have all been sickly in one form or another. Nothing major, just the yuckies. Sinus and cold stuff, ya know, the typical. Kirk has had an ear infection (both ears) for about 2 weeks now that he just can't kick. He has tubes in both ears, so there is some kind of problem somewhere. I am glad to report that I am feeling well. My pregnant sick days are finished, as far as I can tell, so I am trying to get things accomplished before I hit the other uncomfortable months. Yay! Dan is working hard, traveling around a lot training other stores cause he is just so dang awesome. Right now, we are prepping for Halloween, a pretty major holiday. Danny already has his costume and we are working on an idea for Kirk that I'm pretty excited about. I'll keep you updated!