Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Family,

Despite what you think, food does not just magically appear on the table at meal times. I put work and time into making these meals, no matter how small or elaborate. I am growing quite tired of all of you turning your noses up at everything I put before you. Sure, we could live on pizzas and pj&j. That would be a lot cheaper and a heck of a lot easier on me. But, I am trying to provide for your well being. So, suck it up. Try it. You might actually enjoy it. I know I do.

Your disgruntled family chef

I am venting to my blog mates because, frankly, I don't think my 3 year old or 20 month old (or 26 year old for that matter) needs to hear mommy complain. So, there. It's out of my system. I can be nice again! :-)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I suck.

We are closing on our new house in a little over a week. I have zero desire to clean this house. Half of everything is boxed up and I feel like there is no point in cleaning up all the other stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing the dishes, laundry, tidying up, etc. But, there is no way I'm cleaning all the crevices. I'm kinda blah about it.

107 Berringer Drive., Guntown MS

But, here's the new gal. She's not the biggest or the fanciest. But, alas, she is ours.

Monday, November 14, 2011