Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's Kinda A Big Deal....

Little Joey ate string cheese today. I nearly cried. He started chewing today for the first time, so I put a few bits of cheese on his tray and he gobbled them right up. Until, well, today, he couldn't even eat meat baby food because it choked him so bad. But, all of a sudden, he started chewing and swallowing really well. I took picture, I recorded a video, I called my mom, and I screamed (with joy) to Danny. I have bragged about it to every person I have seen. Horray for Joey!!


Amanda said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm tearing up! It's a huge deal. Thank you so much for sharing this milestone!!

Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) said...

well, hurray hurray for little Joey (;o)* Nothing's gonna stop him now...

smiles from Melody Chrismix
Love Peace Music

Mariann said...

YaY!!!!! Love you guys!