Friday, June 18, 2010

Joey Update!

Little Joey is, well, little. We took him in for his 2 month shots and such and he was measuring quite small. He was only weighing in at 9lbs and 2oz and was almost 21in. She also thought she heard a little heart murmur. So, we added cereal to his formula and he got a heart test done (the name of which I am not even going to try to spell). The heart thing came back normal, which was fantastic. But, when we came back 2 weeks later he had only gained an ounce or two (and they want them to gain an ounce per day). So, they said to give it another week. So, we went back in and YAY he had gained 7oz, putting him at a hefty 9lbs 11oz. Looking back, when Kirk was 2 months he weighed almost 12lbs and was 24 in long. I guess Joey is our little runt! He also has acid reflux and we've had to switch to some different formula for that. But, most importantly, he is healthy, and that is really all that matters. He has started to smile and laugh a lot. I am just waiting for him to start sleeping through the night! :-)